

Trade Name: YIELDSTAR™

Mode of Action: Improves fertility of floral parts, by increasing pollen power.

Product Description: Yieldstar enables crops to overcome reproductive inefficiency barriers by triggering vital physiological processes, ensuring higher yields of vegetables, fruits, fields and cash crops.

Benefits: Enhances pollen power and fertility of crop Improves flowering and reduces flower drop Increases fruit setting and aids the production of more seeds per fruit. Enhances crop’s ability to withstand biotic and abiotic stresses.

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Crops Dosage per acre (gm/ml)
All Crops Mix 150 ml in 200 Lit water for 1 Acre budding stage
100 ml per acre @ 15 days after 1st spray
100 ml per acre @ 15 days after 2nd spray


Trade Name: DIVY™

Technical Name: Humic Acid 98%W/W + Seaweed

Mode of Action: Humic acid is an organic compound useful for the development of white root it Increase water capacity in soil.

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Approved Crops Dosage /ha
All Crops 750 ML
Bhooshan gold



Technical Name: Humic Acid 14% + Fulvic Acid 4%

Machanism of Action: Increase water capacity in soil. Transfer nutrients from soil to crop root and stimulates the production of chlorophyll.

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Approved Crops Dosage /ha
All Crops 1 Ltr.


Trade Name: BHOOVITA GR™

Technical Name: Organic manure with mix micronutrients

Mode of Action:
Fine, dark brown colour powder. Soluble seaweed extract derived from vegetable seaweed.

Organic matter : 50-55%
Potassium as K₂O: 18-20%

Rice: 5.3 kg/ha
Sugarcane: 10.62 kg/ha



Trade Name: SILICO™

Technical Name: Silicon Base Spreader

Mode of Action: Silicon is a superior wetting agent, developed to improve the wetting, spreading and penetration of chemicals. Bhoodhan Silicon Spreader reduces the surface tension to a very low level, resulting in a rapid wetting cum spreading on leaves.

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Approved Crops Dosage /ha
All Crops 0.25 ml/Ltr. water


Trade Name: BHU-MAXX

Technical Name: Gibberellic Acid 0.001% L

Machanism of Action: Bhu-Maxx acts synergistically with plant metabolism and accelerates the growth functions of the plant. It also improves the physiological efficiency of the crop by stimulating the hormonal and enzymatic activities and Increases the yield and quality of the crop produce.

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Approved Crops Dosage /ha
All Crops 750 ml
Bhu - Maxx


Trade Name: POSTIK™

Plant Growth Regulator

Dosage: 500 ml / ha

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Approved Crops Dosage /ha
All Crops 500 ml/ha