Trade Name: BHOODHAN 32™
Technical Name: Pendimethalin 30%+ Imazethapyr 2% EC
Mode of Action: Pendimethalin 30%+ Imazethapyr 2% EC is a combination product containing 30% Pendimethalin and 2% Imazethapyr as an active ingredients. It Is a selective herbicides which controls susceptible annual grasses, sedges and broad leaf weeds and they germinate.
It is recommended to use in Soybean.
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Crops | Common Name of the Disease | Dosage/ha |
Sugarcane | Echinocloa crusgulli, Dier a arvensis, Commelina, Benghalensis, Amaranthus viridis. Protulaca oleracea | 2.5-3.0 Itr |
Trade Name: AMETRYN™
Technical Name: Ametryne 80% WG
Mode of Action: Chemical Group Selective Early Post Herbicide Ametryn is a new selective early post herbicide on Sugarcane that has broad spectrum activity on grasses and broad-leaved weeds Ametryn belongs to the s-triazines chemical group which inhibits Photosynthetic reaction in weeds.Ametryn has both foliar and sol activity. By this, it kills the existing weeds & the new emergenice from weed seeds. It is compatible with 2,4-0 Amelryn shall be applied when Sugarcane weeds are at the 2-4 leall stage. It provides a longer duration of weed control Il protects sugarcane from the early slow growth of sugarcane ers from weed competition.Target weed Grasses and Broad Leaved weeds Digitana sanguinails, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Cynodon dactylon, Tranthema monogyna, Ageratum conyzoides Crop: Sugarcane
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Crops | Dosage/ha |
Sugarcane | 1.5 Kg |
Trade Name: BHOOZINE™
Technical Name: Atrazine 50% WP
Mode of Action: Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed principally through the roots and foliage
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Crops | Common Name of the Disease | Dosage/ha |
Maize | Trianthama monogyna | 1.5 kg |
Digera arvensis | ||
Echinochioa Spp. | ||
Eleusine Spp. | ||
Xanthelum strumarium Barchiaria sp, Digitaria sp. amaranthus viridis | ||
Cleome viscose, Polygonum spp. | ||
Sugarcane | Portulaca oleracea | 1.5 kg |
Digitaris spp. | ||
Boerhaavia diffusa | ||
Euphorbia spp. | ||
Tribulus terrestris |
Technical Name: Bispyribac Sodium 10% SC
Mode of Action: A highly effective new generation post-emergent herbicide
Application Method: Spray
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Approved Crops | Dosage /ha |
Rice | 250-300 gm |
Trade Name: BHU-GRIP™
Technical Name: Metsulfuron Methyl 20%WP
Mode of Action: Selective systemic herbicide absorbed through the roots & foliage & translocated to the apex of the plants. – Solective cont
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Approved Crops | Weed Species | Dosage /ha |
Wheat | Anagallis arvensis | 20 gm |
Vicia satia | ||
Crisium arvense | ||
Cyperus ritundus | ||
Spheanochlea app | ||
Fiibristylis ap | ||
Ludwigia parviflora Marsilea |
Trade Name: GIRDHAR™
Technical Name: 2,4-D Ethyl Ester 38% EC
Mode of Action: Selective systemic Herbicide
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Approved Crops | Common Name of the Pest | Dosage /ha |
Maize | Trianthema monogyna, Amaranthus sp, Portulaca oleracea Tribulus terristeris, Boerhaavia diffusa, Euphorbia hirta, Cyperus sp. | 2.5 Ltr |
Jowar | Cyperus iria, Striga sp. Digera arvensis, Convolvulus arvensis, Trianthema sp., Tridax procumbens, Euphorbia hirta, phyllanthus nirurl, | 2 Ltr |
Transplanted Paddy | Echinochloa colonum, Echinochloa crusgalli. | 1.5 Ltr. |
Wheat | Chenopodium album, Asphodelus tenuifolius, Fumaria parviflora Melillotus alba, Spergula arvensis | 0.75-1 Ltr. |
Sugarcane | Cyperus iria | Digitaria sp, Dactylactenium Aegyptiana Digera arvensis, Portulaca oleracea, Commelina benghalensis, amaranthus sp., Convolvulus arvensis | 2.5 Ltr. |
Aquatic Weeds | Eichhornia crassipes | 750 ml |
Trade Name: BHU MIX™
Technical Name: Metsulfuran Methy 10%w/w+ Chlorimuron Ethyl 10% WP
Mode of Action: Rapid inhibitor of plant cell division and growth.
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Approved Crops | Common Name of the Pest | Dosage /ha |
Paddy | Both broad leaf, Weeds & sedges | 20 gm |
Trade Name: GLYSOPHATE 41™
Technical Name: Glyphosate 41% SL
Mode of Action: Non Selective Herbicide
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Approved Crops | Common Name of the Pest | Dosage /ha |
Tea | Arundinella bengalensis | 2.0-3.0 Itr |
Axonopus compressus | ||
Cynodon dactylon | ||
Imperata cylindrical | ||
Kalm grass | ||
Paspalum scrobiculatum | ||
Polygonum perfoliatum | ||
Non cropped area | Soghum helepense and other dicot & monocot weeds in general | 2.0-3.0 Itr |
Trade Name: CLEAR 58™
Technical Name: 2,4-D Amine Salt 58% S.L.
Mode of Action: Selective systemic Herbicide
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Approved Crops | Common Name of the Pest | Dosage /ha |
Maize | Trianthema monogyna, Amaranthus sp. Tribulus terristeris, Boerhaavia diffusa, Euphorbia hirta, Portulaca oleracea, Cyperus sp. | 1 Ltr. |
Jowar | Cyperus iria, Digera arvensis, Convolvulus arvensis, Trianthema sp., Tridax procumbens, Euphorbia hirta, phyllanthus nirurl, | 1.5 Ltr. |
Potato | Chenopodium album, Asphodelus tenuifolius, Anagalis arvensis, Convolvulus arvensis, Cyperus iria, Portulaca oleracea. | 1.5 Ltr. |
Wheat | Chenopodium album, Fumaria parviflora Melillotus alba, Vicia sative, Asphodelus tenuifolius, Convolvulus arvensis | 1 Ltr. |
Sugarcane | Cyperus iria | Digitaria sp, Dactylactenium aegyptium Digera arvensis | Portulaca oleracea Commelina benghalensis Convolvulus arvensis | 1.5 Ltr. |
Trade Name: OXYGOAL™
Technical Name: Oxyfluorfen 23.5% E.C.
Mode of Action: Selective contact herbicide.
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Approved Crops | Weed Species | Dosage /ha |
Rice (Direct Sown as preemergence) | Echinochloa sp. Cyperus iria, Eclipta alba, | 650- 1000 ml |
Tea | Digiteria, imperate Paspalum Borreria hisplda | 650- 1000 ml |
Onion | Chenopodium album Amaranthus viridis | 425- 850 ml |
Potato | Chenopodium, Coronpus, trianthema, Heliotropium | 425- 850 ml |
Trade Name: GLYSOPHATE 71™
Technical Name: Ammonium Salt of Glyphosate 71% SG
Mode of Action: Non-selective systemic herbicide, absorbed by the foliage, with rapid translocation throughout the plant.
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Approved Crops | Weed Species | Dosage /ha |
Acalypha Indica | ||
Ageratum conyzoides | ||
Cychorlum intybus Drgera arvensis | ||
Cynondon dactylon | ||
Tea & Non cropped area | Cyperus rotunedus | 3.0 Kg |
Digutaria sanguinalis | ||
Eragrostis app. | ||
Ipomea digitarea | ||
Paspalum coniugatum | ||
Side aculata |
Trade Name: QUMIN™
Technical Name: Chlorimuron Ethyl 25%WP
Mode of Action: Potent & rapid Inhibitor of plant cell division and plant growth.
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Approved Crops | Weed Species | Dosage /ha |
Soyabean | Eclipta alba | 37.5 gm |
Commelina | ||
benghalensis Chenopodium bum album, Cyperus iria | ||
Parthenium hysterophorus. | ||
Acalypha indica, | ||
Phyllanthus, niruri, Trianthema porrulacashurm. | ||
Rice transplanted | Caesulia auxillaris Echinochloa crusgalli, Eclipta alba, Commelina benghalensis, Chenopodium album. Cyperus rotund us Echinochloa colonum Eclipta alba Commelina | 24 gm |
Trade Name: METRIDHAN™
Technical Name: Metribuzin 70% WP
Mode of Action: Selective Systemic Herbicide
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Approved Crops | Weed Species | Dosage /ha |
Soybean | Digiteria, spp. | 0.5-075 kg |
Cyperus esculentus | ||
Cyperus campestiris | ||
Eleusine Spp. | ||
Borrerla spp. | ||
Eragrostis app. | ||
Wheat | Phalaris minor | 1 kg |
Chenopodium albim | ||
Melilotus spp. | ||
Sugarcane | 1 kg |
Trade Name: VINASH™
Technical Name: Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL
Mode of Action: Non selective contact herbicide, absorbed by the foliage with some translocation in the xylem.
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Approved Crops | Weed Species | Dosage /ha |
Potato (Post-tmergence overall/inter-row application at 5-10% emergence) | Chenopodium sp. | 2.0 Ltr. |
Angallis arvensis | ||
Trinthema monogyna | ||
Cyperus rotundus | ||
Fumeria parviflora | ||
Sugarcane | Echinochloa crusgalli | 2.0 Ltr. |
Diglteria sanguinalis | ||
Eleusine indica, | ||
Physalis Minima | ||
Protulaca Oleracea. | ||
Sunflower | Cyperus iria | 1.6 Ltr. |
Eleusine indica, | ||
Eragrosts sp, | ||
Chenopoduim album | ||
Trinthema monogyna |
Trade Name: SAFACHAT™
Technical Name: Piroxofop-propinyl 15% WP (Clodinafop-Propargyl 15% WP)
Mode of Action: Post emergence, systemic grass herbicide. Phytotoxic symptoms appear within 1-2 weeks, effecting meristematic tissue.
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Approved Crops | Common Name of the Pest | Dosage /ha |
Wheat | Phalaris minor (Canary grass) | 400 gm |
Trade Name: SWEEP SUPER™
Technical Name: Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 9.3% EC
Mode of Action: Selective herbicide with contact and stomach action.
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Approved Crops | Weed Species | Dosage /ha |
Wheat | Echinochloa colonum Echinochloa crusgalli, Digitaria sp, Eleusine tndrca, Setaria sp, Brachiaria sp. | 1111 ml. (15-20 DAS) |
Rice (transplaned) | Ech, nochloa crusgalli, Echinochloa colona | 625 ml. (10-15 DAS) |
Cotton | Echinochloa sp. Eluesine Indica Dactylocteneum Aegyptium Eragrostit minor | 750 ml. (20-25 DAS) |
Trade Name: TAMRON™
Technical Name: Tembotrione 34.4% w/w SC
Target Weeds: Echinochloa sp, Trianthema sp, Bracharia sp
Mode of Action: Tembotrione, the active ingredient in Tamron, inhibits the activity of the 4 hydroxy-phenyl-pyruvate-dexygenase (4 HPPD) enzyme.
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Approved Crops | Weeds | Dosage /ha |
Corn | Echinochloa sp. Trianthema sp. Bracharia sp |
115 ml/ Acre |
Trade Name: IMADHAN™
Technical Name: Imazethapyr 10% SL
Mode of Action: Systemic herbicide, absorbed by the roots and foliage.
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Approved Crops | Weed Species | Dosage /ha |
Soyabean | Cyperus difformis | 1 Ltr. |
Echinochloa colonum | ||
E. crusgalli | ||
Euphorbia hirta | ||
Croton sperrsifeorus, | ||
Digera arvensis, Commelina | ||
Benghalensis | ||
Groundnut | Cyperus difformis | 1-1.5 Ltr. |
Commelina | ||
benghalensis, | ||
Trianthema portulacasturm | ||
Eragrostis pilosa |
Trade Name: DATTAK™
Technical Name: Pyrazosulfuron Ethyl 10% WP
Mode of Action: Pre emergence systemic weedicide Quick Facts
Wide spectrum weedcontrol: Broad leaved weeds, sedgesand grasses
Versatility of application: Spraying or broad casting Zero effect on tender parts of seedling- Fit for weed control in rice nursery
Crops: Paddy
Targets: Broad leaf weeds, Grasses, Sedges